I have had the wonderful experiencing of knowing Mr. Weston since 1981. He is one of my teachers. He is truly a great man.Randy Weston Links 'African Rhythms' To American Jazz : NPR
Pianist Randy Weston grew up surrounded by some of the greatest musicians in jazz. But it was his deep connection to Africa that inspired his personal style of music.
Weston recently sat down with NPR's Neal Conan to discuss the link between West African music and American jazz in his autobiography, African Rhythms. Traditional histories trace the history of American jazz to New Orleans, but not Weston.
"African people were taken from Africa, and taken to the States, and they came in contact with European culture and instruments," he says. Then, they "created a different kind of music" — jazz and blues.
Weston says he gives credit to his father for connecting him with music and the continent of Africa.
"He told me you have to study African civilization — when Africa was great," Weston says.
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